From Easter at Grandma's to an exciting 2-day trip at Disneyland, this has been a memorable month for the family.
My twinner, Kristi, and her four kids flew down for their spring break and stayed with us for a few days. It was a love fest for Lewis and her kids had a ball. They loved the weather, the beach, the hot tub, and we were delighted to find that despite the sour economy, Disneyland continues to be the happiest place on earth:) Lewis even joined the gang, taking on Pirates of the Caribbean at the tender age of 5 months (yes, he cried a time or two, but was more brave by the time he got to the Buzz Lightyear ride). We're enjoying life in Costa Mesa, and Lewis is eating it up too!
What a fun week! You guys are so cute and we miss you ... hope to see you soon!
i love you song !!!!!!!!!!!la la la
i love you song !!!!!!!!!!!la la la
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