Saturday, September 29, 2012

A McKinlay Summer Day...

We’re loving our life in Irvine, Ca right across from Sweet Shade Park. Lewis is a happy, sweet 3 year old who loves his new little brothers. Rowan and Clark are 9 months old and are keeping us busy! Rowan is steady eddie with his big infectious grin while Clark is our nonstop energizer who doesn’t want to miss a beat. The 3 boys enjoy each other’s company, and it’s so wonderful to see these life long friendships forming already.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

McSummer 2012

My oh the summer days pass by! We kicked things off in June with a Purdy Family vacay to Sedona. I finally saw the Grand Canyon for the first time in my life while our twinners saw it before they even turned 1! Lewis enjoyed his experience there too and called it the "Grand Candy Cane". Upon our first steps to the massive world wonder Lewis says, "Don't fall in!" Many good memories were made and seeing the Grand Canyon was all the more special having our whole Purdy clan together. Fast forward to August where we took another 8-hour road trip this time to Zion's for the McKinlay Family vacay. We were "unplugged" and enjoyed awesome family time in the great outdoors