Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer Time Fun!


Em and Jorg said...

WHat an attractive an awesome couple! We had to laugh at the photo with where you two are chillin'...Lance with his phat chain. hehehehehe :)

Leadelle said...

Hey cool! Can't wait to see you new trick-or-treater! So good to see you this summer. Much love- Leadelle

Jared & Larisa said...

Love your blog :) It's so awesome to see pictures of you guys. Can you put a picture up of Lewis' room?? I'm dying to see it!

Rebecca said...

You did it!! Your blog looks amazing, I'm so impressed you picked up everything so fast! So we heard from a very credible source that trimming the hair wouldn't make it itchy, but Jake complained and that's when he decided to shave it all off. Now it's not itchy, but he'll have to keep shaving every two weeks or else it will become itchy again. Anyway, we will see you next week at church, Jake is excited to meet you guys!