Weighing in at 9lbs 8 oz, 21inches, we were blessed with a beautiful, baby boy on November 15, 2008 at 9:19pm. People have told us that our lives would change forever, and we finally know what they were talking about. It's been amazing and indescribable and we are so HAPPY.
We took Lewis on his first outing to Newport Beach at 7 days old with Grammie and Bumpa McKinlay. They were a great help during their stay here and Baby Lewis got to enjoy lots of bonding time with his grandparents.
Special thanks to Grandma Ginny, Grandpa Purdy and Grandma Jen for being there at the hospital to welcome him into this world. We also appreciated special visits from Clint, Aunt Donna, Aunt Yolanda, Jenny Proctor, Tricia, and Kala.
We blessed Baby Lewis on Sunday, November 23rd, and had many friends and relatives there to share in that experience, including his Great Grandma Purdy.
We still can't tell whether he resembles his mommy or his daddy more. What do you think?